Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What The Heck is an Obelisk?

This is an obelisk
         I'm guessing that you don't even know what an obelisk is.  First things first an obelisk is a four sided monument with a top that is shaped like a pyramid.  A good example of an obelisk is the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.  The obelisk was used as religious symbols in Ancient Egypt.  They are also considered sacred to the Egyptian solar gods and goddesses because each day the first sun rays were reflected from their pyramid shaped tops.  They were dedicated to the Sun god.  You may think that they are dumb but they were very important to the Ancient Egyptians.  They even worshiped them because they thought a god or spirit had inherited them.  I think it would be extremely weird if I saw people bowing down in front of a statue, but... okay.  It is also believed that there were two obelisks in every age, two in heaven and two on Earth. You may still not respect the obelisk but you should because they are extremely important to Ancient Egyptians.


  1. Wow! I did not know about the sun gods and goddess had something to do with obelisk. So the Washington monument is a model of an egyptian obleisk. Cool

  2. I never would have known that Gods and Godesses had somthin to do with obleskis. Kinda weird how its believed theres in obelisk in heaven and on earth. STill cool!



  • Bunson, Margaret. "Obelisk In Ancient Egypt." Ancient and Medieval History Online. Facts On File Inc. Web. 16 Nov. 2010.
  • Bunson, Margaret. The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. New York: Gramercy, 1999
  • Remler, Pat. "Obelisk In Ancient Egypt." Ancent and Medieval History Onlie. Facts On File Inc. Web. 16 Nov. 2010.
  • Shaw, Ian, and Paul T. Nicholson. The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1995. Print.